Saturday, September 29, 2012

Marlen (Koach) Fulton

Here are few pictures. We went to Austin TX to celebrate our oldest grandchild's 29th birthday. Picture no.1 from the left, Me, Brandon and Taylor (granddaughter)Carlisle, our daughter Theresa, grandson Travis and Grandpa Hal (Harold). Picture no. 2 Me and Hal, Picture no. 3 me and daughter Theresa and granddaughter Taylor........It was a mini family reunion......... If you are ever in Austin you need to go to the Salt Lick Bar-B-Que place outside of town. Great food.......I'm also going to attach a couple of pictures of our trip to Oregon for our son's 50th birthday in July. We now have 2 kids over 50!......I was sorry to hear about Mike. He was a really sweet guy...... Hal and I are doing well. He golfs alot and we have started bowling again. I haven't bowled in at least 20 years and I'm doing good enough to keep my head up.......Take care and thanks again for your efforts with this blog! Marlen




